Bulk Honey and More...
Kallas Honey Farm, Inc. is a proud supplier of pure honey for commercial use. Our procurement team maintains generational relationships with our producers ensuring the quality of our raw materials and a consistent supply to meet our customer's demand. We specialize in blending to order at all volumes to meet the color and flavor needs of your application. Maple Products and specialty items are available in bulk quantities as well.
⁓ Please fill out the form below or call our office regarding bulk inquiries and current pricing ⁓
Pure Honey
- Light Amber
- Extra Light Amber
- White
- Varietal Honey
Maple Products
- Grade A Pure Maple Syrup
- Grade C Pure Maple Syrup
- Maple Sugar
- Bulk Bees Wax
- Wholesale retail products
- Custom / private label
Available Packaging:
- 5 LB Jugs
- 1 Gallon Containers
- 4 Gallon (48 LB) Pails
- 650 LB Steel Drum
- 3,300 LB Tote

⁓ Please fill out the form below or call our office regarding bulk inquiries and current pricing ⁓